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Wawa Fall Fundraiser

Please support the PTA fundraiser and purchase Wawa Shortie Hoagie coupons!

Each coupon costs $5 and can be redeemed for a Wawa Shortie Hoagie.

These coupons can be used at any Wawa store location and they do not have an expiration date.

*Students will have the coupons delivered in school via their homeroom teacher, hopefully in mid-December. These make great holiday gifts and stocking stuffers!

*Deadline: Please return the bottom portion of this flier with payment to the school office in an envelope marked (PTA Wawa Coupons) by Wednesday, November 16th.


Student Name:

HR Teacher:

# of coupons ($5 each):

Total $ enclosed: (Cash or check made out to Southampton PTA)

Parent/guardian email address:

November 14

Southampton Township Scholastic Book Fair