Chair: Faith Lynch
If you have a 3rd grader this is a fun activity to volunteer for.
This committee organizes 3rd grade students and parents to create a theme and decorate the 3rd grade class float for participation in the Southampton Township Annual Memorial Day Parade.
Chair: Eileen Meredith
Co-Chair: Denielle Hickman
The 5th Grade Bash is a fun day at the end of the school year to celebrate moving up into 6th grade. There is a picnic and activities during the school day. -
Chair: Open
Co-Chair: Jen White
If you have an 8th grader, this is the committee for you.
This committee creates the 8th grade dinner dance that is held in June. It is an all-year committee and commitment but it’s well worth it. The more volunteers for this committee, the better.
The committee coordinates, plans, and organizes the dinner dance. They host fundraisers normally from September through December which includes, among other things, the mum sale and the Santa Breakfast. The rest of the year is dedicated to identifying a theme and location and then compiling & obtaining all the necessary party plans/items to have a successful dinner dance.
This committee does create several sub-commitments to make the management of the dinner dance easier and that all volunteers get a chance to participate.
Just remember this is a huge undertaking but the memories are priceless.
Chair: Chelsea Ezekannagha
Co-Chair: Cody Mount
This committee collaborates with the school #1-3 principals to identify and plan assemblies and academic events for our student population.
Chair: Sharon Roseboro
This committee coordinates and involves the student population in the NJPTA Reflections program. This year’s theme is “Show your Voice”.
Past Submissions: County level - 6 projects for 5 students, State Level - 4 projects for 3 students, won at State level - 2 projects for 2 students
Chair: Colleen Riker
Co-Chair: Sarah Luciano
This committee hosts the Annual Book Fair Week in November along with evening events for students and families.
The committee works directly with Ms. Daddato, School Librarian, to coordinate the class schedule to ensure every student gets to go to the Bookfair.
The committee starts planning in August, communicating in October and final set up in November.
We just had another successful bookfair week in November 2023 with $16,200 of sales.
Volunteers get to see their children at the bookfair as well as help other students find books.
It’s a great fundraiser with sweet memories and a lot of smiles.
Chair: Sarah Luciano
Updates STS PTA Bylaws every 3 years and submits them to NJPTA. Updates STS standing rules when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
Ensures all bylaws, rules and procedures are followed to ensure the PTA runs smoothly and efficiently.
Chairs: Suzanne Parks
Co-Chair: Ashley Flemming
Responsible for communicating PTA sponsored programs, activities, and information to the student, parent and school populations via STPTA website
Chair: Christina Stevens
Helps with the school garden. Incorporates environmentally friendly ideas and programs into the schools.
Chair: Leon Carelli
Chairs: Faith Lynch/Christina Stevens/Morgan Kirwin
This is a very important committee that executes fundraising activities throughout the year.
Past fundraisers include Wawa Hoagie coupons, Joe Corbi’s, Hershey Park Ticket sale, STS magnet sale and many Dine and Donates with several local restaurants.
Volunteers are needed to help identify fundraising opportunities, communicate agreed upon fundraisers to the Southampton School community and provide delivery of fundraising items to parents or students.
Chair: Sharon Pagano
We host the annual Holiday Gift Shop in December, normally on the same morning as the Santa PJ Party.
This is another really fun committee, as you get to assist students in finding gifts for their family and friends and help them wrap their gifts to take home.
The kids are super excited to shop on their own and really enjoy keeping their purchases a secret, especially from Mom and Dad 😊
Chairs: Marisa Borelli/Brittany Bruce/Regina Hamara
This is a growing committee full of boundless appreciation with a big need for Volunteers.
This committee celebrates all staff within the school district. Teachers, which will be celebrated during appreciation week in May, will also be rewarded during other special times during the year.
We also recognize other departments, such as administration, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria staff and nurses to celebrate their contribution to our students.
Chair: Leon Carelli
This committee advocates legislative activities such as voter registration drives, encourage parents to vote, and other activities.
They attend monthly Board of Education meetings.
Organizes “Meet the Candidates” Forum, for the community to meet the new Board of Education candidates running for office. This gives the opportunity for the community to ask the candidates questions.
Chair: Danielle Trappanese
Conducts membership drives to collect annual membership dues from PTA members.
Parents and Guardians must pay the annual PTA membership fee in order to participate in any PTA run activities.
Chair: Beth Park
Co-Chair: Cody Mount
This is a really fun “Adult Only” event that occurs in May.
This is a top PTA fundraiser.
In 2023, we decided to change this fundraiser from Ladies Night Out to Parents Night Out and it was a great success, we sold out on tickets, and we changed the agenda to include not only dinner and raffle baskets but also a comedy show. It was an amazing night!
If you like planning parties and if you are good at networking with local companies to ask for donations or baskets, then this is the committee for you.
Chair: Regina Hamara
This committee sponsors fun activities throughout the year for students and their families.
Past events included Fall Pumpkin Picking at Russo’s, Bowling, Swimming, Ice Cream Social, Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Color Run and our biggest event for the students is Field Day in June.
This committee also runs the nighttime November Bookfair events (Ice Cream Social and Bingo with Soft Pretzels).
Volunteers are needed to help identify recreation activities and then implement and participate in the activities.
Chair: Beth Bianchi
Coordinates the Head Room Parent selection and Room Parent sign up portions of the September PTA General Membership meeting
On-going Liaison between the Head Room Parents and the school Admins as it relates to the scheduled parties and trips.
Chair: Regina Hamara
Chair: Rebecca Moore
This committee coordinates approximately 3 evening student dances throughout the year.
If you have a 6th, 7th or 8th grader, then this is the committee for you.
Volunteers can provide refreshments or be chaperones or both.
Chair: Jackie Markhorst
Semi annual Southampton Township School clothing sale.
Chair: Jenny Morrow
Sponsor food, clothing, and toy drives during the holidays
Solicits and collaborates with local businesses for donations
This program benefits families in our community.
Chair: Jamie Cahill
This individual represents the teacher community and works together with the PTA to support its activities as well as provide updates on teachers’ needs and requests on the website.
Chair: Open
Committee to help get volunteers and support for various events for the PTA and school. -
Chair: Colleen Riker
Co-Chair: Eileen Meredith
This committee is responsible for developing the School 1 & 2 Memory Book and the School 3 Yearbook throughout the year.
They start in September, books are finalized in April and received in June. Additional responsibilities include:
1. Coordinates the taking of all pictures at the parties, parades, sports, clubs, candids, etc.
2. Gathers principal letters, retirements, 8th grade ads/boosters and other special items that are included in both books.
3. Coordinates and plans the selling of the memorybook/yearbook with the principals of each school.
If you like taking pictures or have a knack for picture layouts, then this is the committee for you.